The Shri Ram Universal School, Ludhiana is an heir to the rich Shri legacy: this ascertains our potential and commitment to raise an institution matchless not only in infrastructure , but also in academic delivery , governed by the healthy motive of nurturing the future of our country and the world at large . The Shri Ram Universal School is here with a promise to be a thorough preparatory for life . We aim at nurturing skills essential to live a full life. Envisaging this , we are all set to surge ahead and create a learning space that nurtures every child’s inherent ability to learn and create.
The Shri Ram Universal School offers a perfect blend of learning facilitated by technology and led by the personal connect of the teacher in the classroom. To ensure active learning for all learners with varied learning levels and needs, we amalgamate academics with activities and thus make learning more meaningful for our students. The state-of-the-art infrastructure facilitates et al. A gamut of sports activities in addition to performing arts sessions lends an endearing joy to school day. The Shri Educators are professionally qualified to deliver the curriculum, create happy classrooms, connect with families and community to contribute to a world that is empathetic and creative enough to seek problems and solutions well in time. We are governed by a positive belief to offer equal as well as equitable learning opportunities to our students. We begin our journey with a commitment to provide our children with the best learning experiences they can ever receive .
The Shri Ram Universal School, Block-D, Sarabha Nagar, Behind Main Market,
Call: +91-98788-78825